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Mormon Bible

Mormon Bible or the Book of Mormon

Many in the world refer to the Book of Mormon as the Mormon Bible. Perhaps it makes it easier to remember; however, Mormons in English-speaking countries use the King James Bible and the Book of Mormon. Mormons have 13 Articles of Faith, which are exactly what they say “Articles of Faith” (thirteen statements that briefly summarize some of the basic principles and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Article of Faith #8 reads: “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.”Mormons have always believed in the Bible. They do believe that the Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ.  The Book of Mormon validates the biblical account.   Almost as soon as the Book of Mormon came from the press in 1830, disbelieving persons began to refer to it as the Mormon Bible, a practice which is still occurring. Generally the purpose and intent is to further the false notion that Latter-day Saints believe that this volume of American scripture has replaced the traditional Christian Bible among the followers of Joseph Smith. 1

Bible and Book of MormonThe Book of Mormon is sacred scripture, which bears record of Christ and teaches the doctrines of His gospel. It never has been and never will replace the Holy Bible and never was intended to.

The official scriptures that are used by members of the Mormon Church are often called the standard works. These books are the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.

The principle purpose of scriptures is to testify of Christ, helping us come unto Him and receive eternal life.2

Mormons believe that The Book of Mormon came forth at this time by the will of God. It is a record of God’s dealings with the people who lived in the ancient Americas. Prophets of the Lord engraved the original records on gold plates. God declared that the Book of Mormon contains “the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ” 3

On September 22, 1827, the angel Moroni delivered these records to the Prophet Joseph Smith. By the gift and power of God, the Prophet translated the record into English.

The main purpose of the Book of Mormon is to encourage all people “that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations”.4

The Prophet Joseph Smith said that the Book of Mormon is ‘the keystone of our religion, and a man [will] get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book”.5

The Book of Mormon is another witness of the truths that are taught in the Bible. It also “restores plain and precious truths” that have been lost from the Bible through errors in translation.6

The Doctrine and Covenants contains revelations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith. This book is unique because it is not a translation of ancient documents, but is a collection of revelations given by the Lord to His prophets in the latter-days.

The Pearl of Great Price contains the book of Moses, the book of Abraham, the Prophet Joseph Smith’s inspired translation of Matthew chapter 24, and some writings of the Prophet Joseph.7

1 “Mormon Doctrine” by Bruce R. McConkie, 1966 pg 512

2 “The Holy Bible”, John 5:39

3 “Book of Mormon”, Doctrine and Covenants 20:9; 42:12

4 “Book of Mormon”, title page

5 “Book of Mormon”, introduction to the Book of Mormon

6 “Book of Mormon”, I Nephi 13:24-27, 38-41

7 “True to the Faith”, a gospel reference, pg 157-159

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