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Mormon Testimonies

Mormon Testimonies

The LDS Guide to The Scriptures defines a testimony as “knowledge and a spiritual witness given by the Holy Ghost. A testimony can also be an official or legal declaration of what a person perceives as truth.”To gain a testimony of the truth of the gospel, members are asked to study the scriptures and learn gospel principles, then pray in faith for the knowledge that it is true. To gain and forever hold on to a testimony of gospel truths is worth whatever price in spiritual preparation we may be required to pay.  Gaining a testimony changes a person’s life and the choices he or she makes.

Mormon Church MeetingA testimony is not gained all at once and often comes slowly through various life experiences and as a person grows in the knowledge of the gospel. A basic testimony should contain a belief that:

* God is our Father

* Jesus is the Christ and the plan of salvation is centered on the Savior’s Atonement

* Joseph Smith restored the fullness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ

* The Book of Mormon is evidence of the truthfulness of the gospel

A testimony should not stop growing once a basic testimony is gained. It is important to continue enlarging it through sincere and concentrated effort.  This should include teaching principles in the home, prayer, scripture study, service to others, and faithful obedience to God’s commandments.

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