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Written by Tom Brinton, a BYU student, studying a volume of scripture known as the Pearl of Great Price, which is written by prophets; members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “Mormons” revere it as sacred text. This post comes from a book within the Pearl of Great Price known, as The Book of Moses; it is an extraction from the translation of the Bible as revealed to Joseph Smith the Prophet, June 1830—February 1831.

God the Father and Moses

When Moses encountered God, with all of his greatness, Moses stated, “Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed” (See the Pearl of Great Price, Moses 1:10—a book of scripture held sacred by Latter-day Saints “Mormons”). Moses had believed in God up to this point, however it was not until he saw with his spiritual Prayer to God the Father mormoneyes the creations of our universe that he realized the vast difference between an exalted being, such as God, our Father in Heaven, and mortal man. In fact, after the presence of God departed from him, and Moses was left to his own strength, he fell to the earth from exhaustion (See Moses 1:9).

It is important for me to remember this verse of scripture from time to time as I become wrapped up in self-important thought patterns. On many days, I suppose that “Tom” is everything. It is good for me to be humbled by the simple words of Moses, reminding me that next to God I am nothing. Not, perhaps, in the stereotypical, Reformation loathing of mankind. This scripture doesn’t mean that we mean nothing to God, but simply that He is greater in goodness, power, and intelligence than we are. In fact, we know that each one of us is immensely precious to Him.

This leads to the next thing that Moses learned. God referred to him as “Moses, my son” (See Moses 1:6). And this is meant in a very direct and telling way. God does not mince words. Moses here learns that he is literally spiritually descended from God himself.

What does this mean to me? Everything. To know that I am a son of God, that He loves me, that He has blessings waiting for me is very important in my life. It helps me face challenges with hope and to exercise greater faith through disappointments and confusion. It helps me remember who I am, a spiritual being on a mortal journey.

This was important knowledge for Moses to have as he faced an immediate challenge to his new spiritual insights. Satan came offering Moses the opportunity to worship him. Because of the contrast between the glory of God and that of Satan, Moses was able to discern Satan’s lies. The spirit of God was with Moses and gave him power to dispel Satan from his midst.

I too have had times in my life where the influence of Satan was manifest strongly while I was seeking out God. Through previous experiences in prayer, I was able to tell the difference between these spirits and follow the Spirit of God. I am grateful that I received the testimony and experience to prepare me for this challenge in my life.

After Satan departed, God manifested himself again to Moses, calling him blessed and giving him further revelation. He had given Moses knowledge, and had departed from him, allowing him to be tested. Moses remained steadfast and resolute and after the trial of his faith was blessed with greater revelation and a divine calling as a prophet.

This gives me hope that my trials will be fruitful if I endure them patiently and with faith. The experiences I am given can prepare me to serve God more effectively if I approach them as Moses did, with a clear mind and a strong heart.

There are many other things that Moses learns within the verses of Moses, chapter 1. He learns that God has a body, that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten of the Father and that it was through Him that creation occurred. Moses learned the history of mankind and saw every particle of the earth and heavens. Finally, we learn God’s purpose. What motivates Him? What is His goal? It is “to bring to pass our own immortality and eternal life of man” (See Moses 1:39). God works to help each of us reach our potential to be like Him.

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